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Certifications and Affiliations
Focus on Quality

As an industry-leading distributor of electronic components, XINJIADA strive for excellence and keep improving our components and product requirements. We have been widely recognized by many third-party qualification certification and industry organizations. We promise to strictly control product quality and provide reliable quality.


Through third-party certification, we strictly control the quality of products and services.


We sell products that meet aerospace industry standards through strict requirements and standards.

ISO 9001:2008

We follow a strict quality management system to provide trustworthy electronic components.

ISO 13485

Our products meet the standards of the medical device quality assurance system and are widely used in the medical device industry.

ISO 28000:2007

We value product quality and ensure compliance with the requirements of the transport and logistics industry.

ISO 14001

We have obtained environmental management system certification and are committed to creating a green business.

ISO 45001:2018

We pay attention to building a safe workplace and care about the occupational health and safety of employees.


ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 provides a standard for WIN SOURCE to protect any component or device that is susceptible to high risk of electrostatic discharge

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